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You are here: HomeNewsSatellitesEutelsat 21B/Star One C3 launch success
Eutelsat 21B/Star One C3 launch success
News - Satellites
Saturday, 10 November 2012 23:44

November 10, 2012 – Ariane Flight VA210

Lifting off at 21:05 UTC from the Spaceport’s ELA-3 launch complex in French Guiana Ariane 5 ECA launcher has successfully deployed the EUTELSAT 21B and Star One C3 satellites after 33-minute mission. It was the 66th flight of an Ariane 5 and the 210th launch of a European-built Ariane family vehicle, maintaining Arianespace’s sustained mission pace in 2012.

More info:

Eutelsat 21B technical details and footprints

Star One C3 technical details and footprints

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